289-755-0146 amy@amycoburn.com

More Rule Changes Coming…

In July, the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) sent out a release indicating that changes would be announced, and shortly there after implemented, in the fall of this year.  It is expected that the changes will focus on uninsured...

Reno Rebates

Renovations are a great way to improve the value of your home but they can be expensive.  Why not take advantage of some of the rebates available right now.   By doing renovations to make your home more energy efficient you can not only qualify for rebates but also...

NEW Mortgage Rules Announced

Announced today:  Effective October 17th, 2016, all new insured high-ratio mortgages will have to qualify using the higher of the Bank of Canada benchmark rate (currently 4.64%) or the lender’s contract rate.  (A high-ratio mortgage is when you have less than a...

The Up Side of Private Mortgages

Sometimes a traditional mortgage with a bank or monoline lender is not a good fit for our clients.  That is why we can arrange private mortgages as well.  Private mortgage companies have a higher risk tolerance for borrowers that fall within that same category –...